
Work Safely at Heights Refresher


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From $ pp

Work Safely at Heights Certificate Refresher Perth

Refresh your Work Safely at Heights qualification with our course tailored for those who have previously completed their training and need to renew their skills and knowledge to meet industry standards.

Our working at heights refresher courses are provided to those that have previously completed their Work Safely at Heights training within the past 2-3 years and have maintained their skills, knowledge, competency and need to renew their qualification in line with industry and workplace standards.

PRE-REQUISITES – Participants are required to submit to Haz-Ed Services a copy of their Statement of Attainment at least 24 hours prior to course commencement.

This refresher course will cover the following topics:

  • Identifying work requirements
  • Identifying work procedures and instructions
  • Workplace documentation
  • Risk assessment
  • Preparation for work
  • Identify appropriate safety equipment
  • Accessing and installing equipment
  • Fall prevention
  • Perform work at heights
  • Emergency procedures
  • Emergency and rescue
  • Safety monitoring